That’s the word which comes to mind when asked to describe this breed. Add to that: athletic, intelligent, sensitive, out-going, and people-oriented and you begin to get the flavor of this special breed.
Is this a dog for everyone?
This is a dog which can do well in a city yard or on an expansive ranch only if it is trained and has access to its human family. The breed was developed as a close, versatile hunting dog and home companion. Equally dependable in finding game and protecting home and hearth, this breed was bred to work and live closely with their human partners.
We have coined a term to describe that relationship:
“Velcro Companions”
Their high intelligence makes them easily trainable, but also tends to mischief-making when ignored.
the gsp is a great dog,
but not for everyone.
To fully enjoy ownership of a German Shorthair, you need to commit to a lifestyle which includes this dog as a family member, and travelling companion. We highly recommend planned activities which develop this breed’s notable talents, just as you plan to develop the talents of the children in your family. Providing outlets for their intelligence and abilities insures that they will become secure and happy in their environment.
AKC Standards
The German Shorthaired Pointer is a versatile hunter, an all-purpose gun dog capable of high performance in field and water. The judgment of Shorthairs in the show ring reflects this basic characteristic. The overall picture which is created in the observer’s eye is that of an aristocratic, well balanced, symmetrical animal with conformation indicating power, endurance and agility and a look of intelligence and animation. The dog is neither unduly small nor conspicuously large. It gives the impression of medium size, but is like the proper hunter, “with a short back, but standing over plenty of ground.” Symmetry and field quality are most essential.