Zuma Is Adopted!

Zuma and John

John contacted us and completed an application to adopt an older female after losing his two beautiful dogs, Jezzibelle and Kahlua a year prior. When he rescued them they were both under a year old, and he had them into their teens. John shared a video he made with his adoption counselor, Teri, of Jezzibelle and Kahlua, and she could certainly see the love, and the wonderful life he had given them. After being without a dog for over a year since their passing, John knew it was time to rescue another life companion.

Zuma, a 6 year old female GSP had been surrendered by her owner through a concerned neighbor who said that Zuma was not being cared for. She was left in the backyard all day with no exercise or attention, and would chew the fence from boredom and escape through the bottom of the fence to come over to the neighbors house. She just wanted to be with her people. Afraid of fireworks and thunderstorms, Zuma would need proper desensitization, reassuring her that she would be safe.

John was retired, and was committed to giving a dog the life every dog dreams of. We knew Zuma would be a great fit for John, and that Zuma would help fill his heart again with the happiness that a dog can bring. She would never be left alone. He would take her on daily walks and runs at the park and the beach, and provide the training and patience she would need to incorporate into her new life.

Zuma deserved someone who would love her and spend time with her. We knew that John would be able to provide that for Zuma, and invited him to meet her. Zuma became Zumaya, and the rest is history…



By Zumaya

This is the story of my life.  I am a soon to be 7 year old German Shorthair Pointer.  My name is Zumaya.

Ever since I was born, I have always been shy.  I loved playing with my brothers and sisters, but they were more the alpha dogs, and I was the quiet reserved one of the litter.  Don’t get me wrong, I was full of puppy energy and raring to go.  What a great life and I was ready to meet the world.  This is my story.

My adoption day was now upon me and it was time to meet my new forever family.  With all the joy and excitement a 12 week old puppy can have, I was ready to meet my family.  Sure I was going to miss my brothers and sisters, but they had their own new families to run and play with.

I arrived at my new home and had a nice backyard to romp in.  There was plenty to explore in my backyard.  My new family would come out and we would play in my yard several times each day.  Then they would go back inside the house to leave me to explore for myself.  Of course I was most excited when they would come back outside to play with me.  As time went by, the playing seemed to become less and less.  Sometimes we would get to go on walks with my leash.  This was great because I was able to put my nose to the ground and experience all kinds of new smells.  At first this happened several times a week.  And after time, the walks became fewer and fewer.  I spent all my time in the backyard.  It was okay. I thought this is what a dog’s life is like.  Being able to go inside the house or fun car rides were not something I had experienced, so I was happy to get fed twice a day.  And in the beginning there were even a few treats.

After 5 years my family paid little attention to me in the backyard.  The nice lady next door had a couple of dogs that I really wanted to play with, but I could not figure out how to get to their side of the fence.  And then one day I started to dig and dig and dig my way under the fence to the other side.  I finally had a couple of friends to play with me.  The nice lady next door returned me to my family several times after I had escaped to her yard to play.  These were the best days of my life when I went under the fence to play with friends.  Sometimes I would be there for hours until I was caught and returned to my yard.

I was determined to not be left alone anymore.  The nice lady next door called the GSP Rescue and asked if they could come help me.  She was told that if I was not her dog, they could not do anything.  So my life savior spoke to my family and asked if I could come live with her?  My family simply said Zumaya is yours.  I did not know it at the time, but this nice lady saved my life.  However, she could not keep me because she already had her own pack.  She called the Rescue, and they came out to get me.

By then I was almost 6 years old.  I spent the next 3 months at the rescue with all kinds of other GSP’s who thought this was a pretty good life.  I get to play with others every day and never miss a meal.  My new home was busy with new dogs coming and going all the time.  I was constantly meeting new dogs.  This must be the way a dog’s life is supposed to be.  I even got to go on walks every day.  Everyone was so kind to me.  My favorite words….”you are such a good girl” came often.

Then my life change again.  Unfortunately, a mean dog bit my back leg and I needed to go to a place called the “Vet”. They patched me up pretty good, but I was now scared of other dogs going forward.  I kept to myself and did not play much anymore.  I was a lover, not a fighter.

While I was healing up at the Rescue, a man showed up one day.  After a short walk together, he put me in his car.  This was something new, a car ride.  Of course I wanted to show my appreciation, and promptly got sick 3 times in the backseat.  This new man was so understanding that he did not even get upset.  I was pretty confused.  What about my home at the Rescue?  I hope he was not taking me back to the backyard house.  I liked the Rescue.

After many hours of driving, we reached a place that my new family calls the Central Coast, or Pismo Beach.  It was now late in the day and I had no idea what was happening.  We went inside the house, and I immediately put my nose to the ground and explored.  This was amazing and warm.  After dinner inside, we went for a walk.  Then we came home to find that I was getting to stay inside.  I even got to sit on something they call a sofa.  So soft.  Talk about a major change in my life.  Two days later we celebrated something called Christmas.  I was told that I was the best Christmas present ever!!!  As long as I was warm and got a treat, I agreed.  

This month will be my 7th birthday.  I have been with my new dad for 14 months now.  Every day we go out in the morning to the beach or on a hike with the cows and horses in the foothills.  I get to run all I want.  I am constantly searching for that elusive squirrel or lizard.  I keep trying to catch a bird, but I do not seem to ever get close.  And every afternoon we go to the local park.  Since I was afraid of other dogs, my dad took me to a park where we were alone.  I got to fetch and just run free.  If by chance another dog approached me, I hid behind my dad.  He always would protect me.  After about six months, my dad continued to introduce me to others without much success.  We were mostly alone and I was happy to be out playing.  I have had many changes in the past 18 months, but the next change in my life was the best.  I met Grace (2 year old Bernese Mountain mix) and Spencer (2 year old LabraDoodle.)  With my new friends, I discovered how wonderful it is to be part of a pack.  Every afternoon we meet at the park and run free together.  And after 6 months, the pack has grown to over 15 dogs of all sizes and breeds, running together.  Each day I now run with Leia, Jack, Teddy, Jesse, and of course Grace and Spencer.

I have finally found my forever home.  My dad and I are never apart.  We eat, sleep and play together 24/7.  I never knew that this miracle would ever happen to me.  I never knew the joy and happiness of being loved.  And I know now how wonderful it is to run free.

Every day is my best day.  I think it is because I am loved so much, and I am such a good girl.



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Chevy Is Adopted!