Ziva is doing great!

Ziva (aka Biscuit) was adopted last year. On occasion young GSPs (around a year old or less) find their way to California GSP Rescue. Ziva was one of those GSPs. Here's an update from her family that has invested some time in seeing Ziva gets the training and exercise she needs."It's been little over a year since we got Ziva (Biscuit) from you and she is doing great! Yes, of course there were moments, when I thought that she will never 'get it', but she has learned a lot. The big thing was to come when called, but with the help of some great treats, she has that mastered, no matter what! She sits and waits when a door/gate opens, does all the basic obedience and loves to learn new silly things. She is stalking anything that moves when outside and is turning into a couch potatoe whe inside. So basically, I guess I'm saying that she is turning into the perfect little dog. Ok, yes... I admit... it's not all 100%, but  give it another year... Oh... and she is all legs. Taller then Duncan (boxer/lab mix) and 15 pounds lighter. Hope all is well , give my best to Jan ~Lalli & Sid"


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