Update on Carrie who is still crazy for the ball...

[portfolio_slideshow]A few years ago, Carrie was adopted by a wonderful family that sent several photos (see slideshow) and the following update," Carrie has been a wonderful addition to our family.  She is still crazy for the ball... any ball or anything resembling a ball.  She loves to travel and is often the first one in the car and no matter where we go, fishing in Bishop or Baja, she never complains about the long car ride.  She's a walker, runner, swimmer, and like many GSP's, she is a bonafide lap dog, but a very sophisticated one. We love Carrie very much and are grateful to GSP Rescue, San Diego for placing her with us.  We are ready for another GSP... Thank You!  Ray, Irene, and Matthew Carrillo" CA GSP Rescue thanks Ray, Irene, & Matthew for giving a rescue another chance! We think Carrie is one lucky GSP!


Ziva is doing great!


Kenny's Journey: 2 months after adoption