A chance at a normal life: Help sponsor Jake Jr.

Jake Jr. is a happy, playful, funny 6 month old German Shorthair. He is soft and cuddly. He is fascinated by a lizard on the porch, his foster sister's tail, and the vacuum. Instead of having off-the-charts energy, though, Jake Jr. is quite mellow. He is sleepy most of the day - because he gets so little sleep at night. He seems to have, not just dreams, but nightmares. He snarls, barks, cries, and runs in his sleep. We have padded the inside of his kennel, to help keep him from hurting himself, but we need to find out what is wrong; lack of sleep is affecting other parts of his health.For Jake to have a chance to be a normal dog, we need to consult specialists - not something in the tiny budget of a rescue. With your help, we can try to find a cure, or at least a medication to let Jake Jr. get a good night's sleep!

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Macy being a GSP - video


Ziva is doing great!