Tucker Is Safe!

Tucker It was late on a Friday when we were first notified about a dog in the shelter. The image of the dog with one leg bandaged in a shelter wasn't something easily forgotten.A few emails were immediately sent with the little information we had on him to a couple of volunteers in hopes that someone would be available to find out more about him the following day. It was too late to expect a response that night but Volunteer Spring was one the first to respond Saturday morning stating she could get to the shelter later that afternoon. She as well as everyone else knows that a shelter isn't a good place for an injured dog. Especially in a shelter with low adoption rates. Dogs in shelters that need to see a Vet aren't the dogs family visiting the shelter over the weekend looking to adopt and take home. Unfortunately, most injured dogs will spend their last few days in the shelter never to be adopted.When Spring arrived to the shelter she learned that Tucker had spent late Thursday night and early Friday morning in an emergency vet clinic after it was suspected he was hit by a car. The vet clinic splinted the leg and contacted the shelter the next morning. Because Tucker had a microchip, the shelter then contacted Tucker's registered owner only to learn that they couldn't afford the surgery he would need and were left with no other option to relinquish him to the shelter. Spring was able to get more information but the shelter's policy prevented them from sharing certain information that they had received from the emergency vet. However, at this point, Spring knew Tucker's fate if she didn't take him. The decision was made, and Tucker is now safe.Since Tucker was rescued, he has seen a Vet and had a surgery to repair his broken leg. He's one of three dogs that have recently been rescued by California GSP Rescue needing medical attention. While he's fortunate to have seen a Vet to have his leg repaired and will eventually be made available for adoption, California GSP Rescue depends on the support of individuals like yourself to help.We're looking to raise $1500 for Tucker's surgery. If just 75 individuals make a small $20 donation, we'll meet our goal.  Please consider making  a small donation to help pay for Tucker's surgery.UPDATE 10/17/16 9:00 PM - thank you to everyone that has donated towards Tucker's Vet Bill. As of right now we've collected $870 from 23 donors leaving $630 left to raise - that works out to be 52 donors willing to give just $12 and change each![give_form id="31590" show_title="true" show_goal="true"]


Meet Josie!


Bandit Is Safe!