Meet Josie!

Josie banner DSC_0008w8x6Josie is a beautiful 3 1/2 year old female German Shorthaired Pointer Mix. At about 45 pounds, she is a petite girl full of energy. She's at a great age where she still has lots of energy, but is mature enough to really pay attention and learn!Josie shows her GSP side when she fetches - she just loves it!  She brings the ball right back to you for another round. She also loves to fetch a Frisbee! When she isn't busy fetching, Josie loves to get attention and pets and is very affectionate with her people.Miss Josie also knows an impressive number of commands: sit, lie down, shake, stay, come, drop, and bring it (for her toys and ball). Of course, she just loves her walks, too. Although she can pull (she is part GSP, after all), she is a joy to walk with a halti and will help keep her new people in shape!Josie has proven to be pretty resourceful in getting over a normal sized fence, so she should not be left in the yard when home alone. She is crate trained, however, and doesn't mind being in one for part of the day, so keeping her safe and at home is no problem. We are told she has very good house manners, and that she's good with children; she loves to follow them around. She should be in a home with older children, however, because this girl is quite enthusiastic when fetching and playing. Although Josie lived with a small dog, those that aren't part of her pack seem to make her prey drive kick in, and we recommend she only live and socialize with medium to big dogs.If you are ready for an energetic, friendly, and well-trained adult, please apply and mention sweet little GSP mix Josie!


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