Bandit Is Safe!

20160923_085042-editedBandit Is Safe! We were notified about a GSP Mix in a local shelter who had been surrendered by his owner because he was very sick and they could not give him the care he needed.Turns out, the shelter discovered he had a 3 inch corn cob lodged in his stomach. The shelter vet was able to surgically remove it successfully, but it was touch and go whether or not he would survive.One of our volunteers close to the shelter monitored him, and stayed in close contact with the shelter getting daily updates of his progress. Fortunately for Bandit, his prognosis was good, and he would make a full recovery.Once Bandit was cleared, the shelter released him to our volunteers, John and Teri who helped Bandit begin his journey to the rescue for the chance of a new life and one step closer to his forever home.A huge thank you to the shelter rescue coordinator, Jane, and the shelter vet for taking the extra care to save Bandit's life, and to our volunteers who were there every step of the way to make sure Bandit was safe.Bandit is eating normally, and we are working on helping him put on some much needed weight, and he will be available for adoption very soon!Please consider making a donation below to help California GSP Rescue continue our efforts rescuing amazing German Shorthaired Pointers. As an all volunteer organization, your donation goes to helping provide for the dogs and not paying someone's salary.[give_form id="31590"]


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