Trae Is Safe!

Trae is SafeTrae is safe, thanks to many volunteers who acted quickly to get this boy to California GSP Rescue. "Trae" is an English name meaning "brave".  Trae seemed an appropriate name for this very special boy who bravely endured horrible conditions waiting for someone to save him. Luckily, his angel came before it was too late, and the Rescue wasted no time getting him to safety, soft and warm bedding,  quality food, attention, and love. Despite being poorly treated and neglected by his former owner (and NO, we don't really consider them his family, because family doesn't do this to one of their own), he eagerly welcomed the attention and love showered on him by volunteers. From the very first car ride away from his horrible home, Trae showed his affectionate and sweet self; not holding all humans responsible for those that had nearly starved him.This adult male GSP came to us weighing only 37 pounds. As much as we wanted to feed, feed, feed him, we had to use caution and give many very small meals each day while Trae's stomach gradually got used to processing food again. Trae is steadily gaining weight, stalking lizards, and soaking up any attention and pets he can get. He acts like any other GSP, and we look forward to him being in good enough shape to be neutered, and ready for his forever home.In getting to know Trae, we see we could have easily named him "Milagro", a Spanish name meaning "miracle". Or perhaps "Chislon", an Israeli name meaning "hope and trust", or even "Bahltair", a Scottish name meaning "strong fighter" - but Trae it is, because this boy bravely accepts the love and care of humans, despite how much humans failed him. And Trae it is because it seems like an appropriately handsome name for this handsome boy!We are so thankful for people who are determined to "do something", and saved this sweet boy, who changed plans to get him to safety, and who watch over him each day until he is ready for his forever home - a very special home that will love, care, and feed Trae for the rest of his life. A very special family who knows what "family" means.[give_form id="31590"]


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