Finn Is Adopted!

Finn GSP Adopted RescueFinn is adopted!  For anyone who follows our website and is wondering, "who's Finn?", no, you didn't miss seeing him on the website. He was brought to the California GSP Rescue and adopted so quickly, we just didn't have time to get him on the website!Four-year-old Finn's former owners unfortunately had to move because of a divorce. Finn was staying with a friend while they each looked for dog-friendly housing. Unfortunately, Finn got over their fence and was picked up by animal control. With no alternate housing in sight, they made the decision to find a more suitable home for Finn and contacted the Rescue.  They wasted no time in getting him out of the shelter and bringing him to us.As luck would have it, Chad and Katherine had applied prior and had experience with both labs and GSPs. Finn, likely being a lab/GSP mix seemed like a great match for them, and they wasted no time getting out to meet him. Although Finn was quite a "wild man" on the leash, and seemed to have boundless energy, they could see tremendous potential in him. Even when he was jumping up on you, his kisses were gentle little nibbles. They knew he would need plenty of exercise as well, and since taking him home have been making sure he gets it. They have found the reward in a tired GSP and tell us, "He's an absolute angel after he's been on a long walk and just hanging out with us at night, very sweet and gentle" Although they have had some challenges in keeping him off furniture,  with his digging in the yard, and with coming when called, they have been persistent with his training. We've been fortunate that they live near the Rescue and we get to see Finn now and then as they work on his socializing as well. Visitors and volunteers alike always comment about how beautiful he is!Chad and Katherine tell us, "we absolutely love him and are so glad he's a part of our family and know that with time and work he'll be a perfect gentleman."  We can't thank adopters like this enough, for knowing that hard work and training make for a perfect dog - or at least a dog perfect for you! 


David Is Adopted!


Trae Is Safe!