Titan Is Adopted!

Titan was surrendered to us when his owners were losing their home. They reached out to us to help find Titan a family who could provide him with the love and attention he deserves, and appreciate all of his wonderful qualities. We had just the perfect family in mind.Katie and Tony are repeat adopters. They adopted Luna who had separation anxiety, then a little while later adopted Storm, a senior GSP, to be a companion for her. Unfortunately, Storm recently passed away, and the loss weighed heavy on their hearts, and they contacted us to help them find another dog to join their family.Katie and Tony not only have Luna, but they also have a cat, so we had a bit of a challenge. Well that was until Titan came in. He lived with another dog and a cat, and was the age they were looking for, and didn't mind at all that he was a mix. They brought Luna out to meet him, and his personality and charm won them over, and they knew he was the one.We have received an update on Titan, now known as Cooper from Katie and Tony, and all is well!"Cooper is doing great. He has been an incredibly easy addition to the family. He is a big goof ball and still has plenty of puppy energy in him that we love. It's fun to observe the GSP-lab traits and all the entertaining quirks that come with the two breeds. It only took him a few days to get the hang of walking on a leash. His endurance has built up so much in just 1 week. The first walk we went on, he was struggling after 20 minutes. Just yesterday we were out on an 1:30 hike. We've noticed he has already slimmed down some too. When we are out, he is a total charmer. Everyone stops and asks if they can pet Cooper. Luna doesn't mind him getting attention, since it gives her time to try and play fetch with pieces of bark, tiny rocks, or whatever else she can find.It's taken a bit for Luna to warm up to him, but she is getting there. A few more weeks and they will be buds. As for the cat, they get along fine enough. Cooper would like to be best friends, but the cat is simply not interested. Cooper does great with just about everyone, he is a happy boy who just likes to play and be around his people. We love having him as part of the family and are grateful for his easy going, playful demeanor. Much thanks to the GSP Rescue for helping us find such a great fit for our family".Thank you Katie and Tony for coming back to us to adopt another dog in need, and for paying it forward for Storm. Check our Facebook Page later today for photos of Cooper in his new home!


Reggie is Adopted!


Meet Apple!