Reggie is Adopted!

Reggie was surrendered to us when sadly, his owner was having some long term health issues, and could no longer give Reggie the attention he deserves. His owner reached out to us to ask us to assist in finding Reggie a home that would be able to give him plenty of love and fulfill his needs. We brought him into our program and made a promise that we would do just that.Joe and Kris applied with us to add an adult dog to their family to be a companion for their male GSP, Oz. They were in no rush, and were willing to wait for the right dog. When we put Reggie up on our website, Joe contacted us and wanted to meet him. The meet and greet with he and Oz couldn't have gone better, and well, Joe and Kris were smitten. We have received an update on Reggie, and everything is going great!"Everyone is getting along great. Even more than I expected. They both got a bath when we got home and they took off chasing each other to dry off. They did very well together, and at the end of the night they curled up on the couch together and that is not normal for Oz. They both slept in our room and woke me up to go outside around 6:30. Now we are going for a nice walk. He acts like a puppy again!Reggie is such a gentle giant. He is awesome, and we are so glad he is part of our family". Thank you Joe and Kris for your patience in finding the right dog for your family. The wait was well worth it!Watch our Facebook Page later today for some photos of Reggie in his new home!


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