Murphy Is Adopted!

Murphy is AdoptedMurphy was surrendered to us after his owner realized his energy was too much to handle with a baby on the way, and they reached out to a friend to help them find a home for Murphy that would be able to give him the attention, training and daily exercise and stimulation he needs. Thankfully the friend reached out to us to help, and Murphy came into our program. But not for long...Adam and Stephanie applied with us to adopt a dog to join their active family and provide companionship for their dog, Tuna, after the recent loss of her best friend, Chunk. They were fully aware and prepared for the energy of a young GSP, and were excited and committed to the training and exercise they would require. Murphy had recently entered our program with boundless puppy energy. We knew he would need a special family who would be able to provide him with daily stimulation, attention, training and exercise. When Adam and Stephanie's application came in, we felt we had found the perfect fit for him. We invited them out with their dog Tuna, to meet Murphy, and it was nothing short of non stop fun!Murphy, now known as "Sandwich", a good accompaniment to his new sister, Tuna, is having the time of his life. When we asked Adam why he named him Sandwich, he said that when they are at the dog park, he wants to call "Tuna Sandwich" and have them both respond and run to them. Here is an update!"Two and a half weeks ago - we brought home the ridiculous ball of energy now known as Sandwich! From the first minute we brought him home, he's instantly become a part of the family. Tuna (2.5 year old German Shepard mix) was a bit skeptical at first, but she's realized now she's got a new best friend!He's got a boatload of energy, truly believes he's a lap dog (even if he just got in the pool) and just wants to be near us all the time.We've been on bike rides, hiking, swimming, and running - and he loves it all. We are so excited for all of our adventures and honestly couldn't be happier with Sandwich.Thank you California GSP Rescue for an amazing experience and more importantly with our new family member".Sincerely,Adam, Stephanie, Tuna and SandwichMurphy is doing amazingly well with a family that is better suited to meet his demands for exercise and attention. While it saddened us to see Murphy's original family giving him up, we like to offer an alternative to those that believe dogs surrendered to shelters get adopted. They don't. Depending on the shelter, over half the dogs are euthanized. We're happy to be able to help Murphy find a forever home that can manage his energy and give him the love as well as the attention he deserves!Follow us on our Facebook Page and see some photos of Sandwich later today in his new home!


Meet Kizzy!


Reggie is Adopted!