Tigger Is Adopted!

Tigger Gracie Gary Skye DSC_0514w64Tigger came to the rescue with Valley Fever. Treatment of this non-contagious disease is medication for a year or more and titer tests to guage when he is done with meds. Thanks to a supporter, CA GSP Rescue found a source that offers Tigger’s medication at a very reasonable price, and although we don’t know for sure how long he will need it, we can say it is a small price to pay to have such a wonderful dog!Tigger was a volunteer favorite, and we were looking for an adopter that was going to be able to understand and fulfill Tigger's medical needs, and appreciate the exceptional dog he was.  Well we didn't have to look very far, as repeat adopters, Skye and Gary had been waiting in the wings for a dog just like Tigger.  They had read up on Valley Fever, and also consulted with a friend of theirs that had a dog with it, and were prepared to do everything they needed to help Tigger thrive.Skye and Gary had recently adopted Gracie who had become quite attached to Skye, so Gary was looking for a companion of his own.  Of course, we needed to place them with a dog that would do well with Gracie and get along with the family cat, and fortunately, Tigger was a match. Skye, Gary, Isaiah, Samuel and former GSP Rescue sweetheart, Gracie came out to meet Tigger and knew he was going to fit in their family perfectly, and Gary was over the moon about meeting his new buddy.We have recently received an update about Tigger who is now named "Honor". "We love, love, love Tigger (now named Honor). He’s an amazing dog and doesn’t bother the cat and he and Gracie get along wonderfully".  We couldn't ask for anything better, and I think the smiles in the photo says it all...Congratulations on your new boy Gary... We are very excited for your whole family.  Thank you for coming back to adopt another, and for giving two very special GSP's a wonderful loving home.Skye has sent us some amazing photos of Honor at home, that you definitely don't want to miss. Hop on over to our Facebook Page to take a look, as we will be posting them throughout the day.



Meet Barkley!


Barkley is Safe!