Barkley is Safe!

Barkley Safe shelter transport GSPBarkley is Safe! Several weeks ago we were notified about an adult female GSP in a high kill shelter some distance from us. We knew the chances of this beautiful girl named Barkley being adopted were slim, and if transport could be arranged we could take her. Fortunately Rescue Advocate Fred was there to help and made sure that Barkley was pulled from the shelter and held until transport could be arranged. Transporter Andrea was contacted to see if she could help transport, and she immediately agreed to assist.Barkley waited patiently while the final plans were made but was at least safe. Andrea overnighted Barkley the night before the transport was to take place as she would be traveling several hours, and would be leaving early in the morning. In the short time she had Barkley, she was impressed with her behavior. She couldn't say enough good things about her. Of course, after we met and evaluated Barkley, we felt the same. Early one Sunday morning a few weeks ago, Barkley made it to California GSP Rescue thanks to the help of Fred and Andrea. She is now safe and one step closer to her forever home!Because Barkley is an adult dog and not a puppy, she didn't get interest from the visitors to the shelter. This happens to be true of the visitors to our Website and Facebook. While some potential adopters will look at her, others will move on to the younger more sought after dogs.California GSP Rescue would like to ask your help in promoting Barkley. Please, take a moment and share the link on your social media. Feel free to leave a comment on our Facebook page letting us know you have shared her. She is such a sweet and well behaved girl, we know someone would love to adopt her.A huge thanks to Andrea, Fred, and YOU for helping Barkley find her forever home.  Watch our website for more on Barkley soon!Want to do something more? Consider making a small donation to sponsor Barkley.[donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor Barkley" description="Barkley is a sweet adult GSP that was rescued from a high kill shelter and is now looking for her forever home. " style="wdf-fresh"]


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