Tess Is Adopted!

Tess is a long way from the life she had before. Picked up as a stray and taken to a shelter where she waited for her owner to come, but they never did. Difficult for us to understand, as she is such a loving and affectionate little girl. Just loves to sit on your lap and give and get affection and attention. Shortly after she arrived at the rescue, she proved she could climb a 6 foot fence, not to run away, but just to be where you are.While there are people wanting a young dog like Tess, there are some of those who don't quite understand the energy of a young German Shorthaired Pointer. We wanted someone who would appreciate her affectionate and loving demeanor, be aware of her needs, and be able to give her the exercise and training she required. Well that changed when we met Gary and Donna. They applied for a young GSP to be a companion for their 3 year old GSP, Ella. Already having a young GSP, and several more throughout their lives, we had no doubt that Gary and Donna had the experience and the training skills to bring Tess' energy into their household.One challenge we had was that they had a cat, but Tess proved through her cat tests that with an experienced owner who was willing to manage the introductions and interactions between she and their cat, it could ultimately be successful.Gary and Donna came out to meet Tess, and were smitten. She and Ella got along beautifully, they fell in love with her sweet personality, and the decision came very easy for them to take her home to join their family. We have received updates that Tess is doing great, and is living the happy life with the family she deserves.Thank you Gary and Donna for reaching out to adopt a rescue, and for choosing Tess!


Meet Jake!


Hazel Is Adopted!