Meet Jake!

Jake is a very energetic and handsome senior male German Shorthaired Pointer. Sometimes we wonder if the age his owner gave us was correct, 14, as he has clearly displayed since he has been with us, that he has the energy of a puppy!Sadly, Jake was surrendered to us by his blind owner, a retired officer in the Marine Corps, when he was moving into assisted living and could no longer care for his dog. Jake had been his companion since he got him as a puppy some 14 years earlier. The relinquishment was heartbreaking for his owner, Jake, and the volunteers - seeing someone who had served their country having to give up their dog whose companionship they had cherished.The relinquishment was also difficult for Jake. Knowing his owner was gone, cried for the next twenty four hours. It took several days before he would sleep through the night and a few weeks before he wouldn't howl when left alone. Jake is extremely sweet and affectionate. Being a companion to his previous owner, he very much loves people and may, from time to time, display a bit of separation anxiety.He gets along with other dogs, which seem to help with his separation anxiety. He will interact and play with some dogs but respects those that do not wish to play. Jake is not a candidate for a home with cats, as he loves to chase them. He also likes to play a fetch and is getting better bringing the ball back. He loves to go on walks but will pull like a mule the first quarter mile.The perfect home for Jake would be with someone that works from home, or is only gone for a couple of hours at a time. The company of another dog in the home would also be ideal for him. He knows the commands, sit, stay and forward. He still has quite a bit of GSP energy, so daily walks and play time are essential even for this senior guy. He knows how to use a doggy door and, after a few initial accidents, appears to be house trained.If you feel you would be a good fit for Jake, please apply here


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