Hazel Is Adopted!

Ben applied to adopt an older adult or senior dog. This was going to be his very first dog, and he wanted to not only get a dog that would easily incorporate into his home, but he also wanted to help an older dog who are more difficult to place because of their age.He was active enough to give an adult dog the exercise they need, and was open to attend training classes with his new companion to help both he and the dog acclimate and enhance their new relationship. We had a couple of dogs in mind for Ben, but one dog seemed to stand out to him. That was Hazel. A beautiful 7 year old all liver GSP who was a bit shy, and we thought it would be best for her to go to a home with older children, or an all adult home. Ben came out to meet Hazel and two other dogs, but thought that Hazel was perfect for him, and chose her to spend his life with.We recently received an update from Ben, and it looks like Hazel is loving her new home, and Ben is loving his new girl."Hazel is doing quite well, she took a bit to settle in, but is right at home now. She helps herself to the couch whenever I'm not looking. She seemed a bit nervous at first, and was a bit of a finicky eater, but has no problems with that now! She's quite active, and very protective of her backyard, at least as far as possums and cats are concerned. She get's along well with other dogs if one comes over, and loves meeting new people as well".Thank you Ben for opening up your heart and your home to adopt an adult GSP. We are so happy you are enjoying your first experience as a dog owner! We think Hazel was the perfect choice!


Tess Is Adopted!


Meet Pirate!