Spot Is Adopted!

Gigi and her family applied to adopt a GSP and had never had a GSP before.  We often encourage folks new to the breed to come out for an educational visit. It allows them to see in real time the energy of various ages and variety of personalities for them to get to know the breed and for us to get to know them a little.  We appreciated their willingness to come out and get to know the breed and to know us and what we are trying to do.

Gigi and her daughter came out and met a few dogs. None of which were truly potential candidates but a few dogs that would show her the personality of the ages and the breed itself. In meeting her and getting to know her we thought she could be a potential for a younger dog. We felt she was able to do the training, have the patience, provide the time and both mental and physical stimulation for a younger dog. However, Gigi was specific in the coloring she would prefer in a GSP and was happy to wait for that right coloring. We encouraged her to come out again with her husband and meet two dogs. One that was the coloring she thought was right for her and one that happened to be a nice temperament but perhaps younger than she had originally wanted (and happened to be a different color). She did and realized that looking at the right temperament for her may take priority over color and was thrilled to have a good match for her family. Gigi updated us on how her new family member “Spot” who is now “Jager” is doing in their home. 

 “Spot, or as he is now known as Jäger, has been a part of our family for almost 3 months now.  It was love at first sight when our daughter and I 1st met him and he has continued to weave himself tightly into all of our hearts.  A common question around our home is “how is he so perfect?”.  The truth is he’s not perfect but he is so good and tries so hard to make us happy any mistakes are soon forgotten.

When we first brought him home we did have a moment of fear, thinking what have we done? When he jumped on the pool table as if it was the most normal thing in the world. He has quickly learned (almost) all of the house rules in record time. He has been the easiest dog, by far, we have ever potty trained.

In the beginning he was always up very early in the morning but over time he learned to appreciate sleeping in and is a little grumpy when we wake him up too early.  Mornings are typically his quiet time filled with cuddles and breakfast. We don’t have a set daily routine in our home, thankfully he is very flexible. We have found while physical activities are very important, that he also needs a lot of mental stimulation. For exercise he loves walks with a long leash, going to the dog park and thankfully we have a large area for him to run when he gets the zoomies in the late afternoon. His favorite thing in the world is a new squeaky toy. He’s grown bigger and stronger and rips apart the strongest of toys and fills the house with the toy stuffing very quickly.  

Our family is so grateful to everyone at the California GSP rescue. Especially to Andrea and Greg for matching us with a dog that is so perfect for our family.  In the excitement of going to the car with Jäger I think I heard Greg say something about that he might be our best dog ever. We have been blessed with some amazing dogs but Greg might be right, and it’s possible that Jäger will be our best dog ever!

Thank you Andrea and Greg and all the other volunteers for all you do for these loving , intelligent and beautiful dogs!”


In Loving Memory Of Gray


TyBeau Is Safe!