Somm Is Adopted!

Somm, now known as Dozer, was relinquished by a family that cared very much for him. Unfortunately, like many first time GSP owners, they had little knowledge of the demands and what would be required. While Somm wasn’t getting the exercise needed, he had been well cared for and we knew finding the right adopter that could dedicate the time to exercise and train him, was imperative. Fortunately, sometimes fate plays a hand and Andrea and Chad, GSP owners, happened to be looking for a younger GSP for their pack. Somm was the perfect match!

“Dozer (formerly Somm) has been with us for a couple months now.  He is one of the most charming, silly, sweet dogs we have ever met!

We have had our 3 boys (ages 12-14) for over a decade, so it has been a while since we've had a young GSP in the house!  I felt we prepared ourselves for a new pup and even reminisced about the younger years of our old guys. The hours and hours and hours of playing fetch, the “everything is a toy" stage and the "if it flies, it dies" deep seeded instinct in our beloved GSPs. Even though I remembered all the things it took to wear out and train a GSP pup, I didn't "remember, remember".  I feel anyone who's had a young GSP knows what I mean by that. Maybe it's that I'm 10 years older myself, but bringing Dozer into our home was a quick reality check that we have been on easy street for the last few years!  

Now our mornings include an hour or more of throwing a ball and our afternoons we spend swimming until dark, because play time and exercise for Dozer is non-negotiable!  Though it takes commitment and time to exercise Dozer, this is where the magic happens!  After a good amount of play time, he is more focused and it is pretty incredible to see how quickly he learns!  In just the first few days with us, he has mastered swimming (he might be part fish!) Fetch, Drop, Give.  He is still learning to feel safe in his kennel, not being a pest to his older brothers and not playing "keep away" with random items he picks up. He learns a little more every day and is settling into our daily routine nicely. It's our job to be patient, consistent and persistent, which is not always easy with dogs that have so much energy!

He has learned so much in just a few short weeks!  My favorite thing we've taught him was to ring a doorbell to go outside! This has been so helpful to avoid potty accidents. It's given him a way to communicate and we can hear it from across the house! The funniest part is if we don't get to the door right away, he continues to ring it over and over. Hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go!  He has made friends with our cat, Kit! With (a lot) supervision, we introduced them knowing prey drive is high in the GSP breed and many cannot be around cats safely. Though Dozer was curious, he was still very sweet and respectful of Kit and enjoys following him around between cat naps. He absolutely loves jumping into the pool and has no problem putting his head or face underwater! Swimming has been a great way to exercise Dozer, and his goofy personality makes swim time absolutely hysterical!  

Dozer has been such a fun addition to our family and I am so happy that we were the family that California GSP Rescue chose for him!  I feel he loves us, his new home, his new brothers and having a big yard and pool to explore!

For those who are considering adding a GSP to your family for the first time, please know the time and effort it takes to train them to be a part of your family is so worth it!  Their hearts and personalities are big and they will be your best, most loyal sidekick for life!

Thank you, Greg, Andrea and CA GSP crew for your diligent efforts to educate about the GSP breed, to save so many precious lives and promote the importance of rescue!  You are doing great work”!

Andrea, Chad, Trigger, Jack, Hoover, Kit and Dozer ❤


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