Dulce is Adopted!

Bob and his wife are repeat adopters and very capable GSP owners. This, I believe is the third dog they’ve adopted through us. Their dog goes all over the neighborhood with them and they spend their days on their property and at home enjoying life and life with a GSP.  Bob gave us a quick update on Dulce who was unwanted in her first home but she is quite loved and wanted now: 

“I got your email and wanted to give you an update on Dulce. She is everything a GSP should be, smart, loveable and full of energy! She has worked out perfectly here on our 2 1/2 acres which she patrols many times a day, up and down the hills, checking every bush, chasing squirrels and rabbits and lizards. We have a flock of quail that has made itself scarce since she discovered them too. She loves birds!

She is eating very well though, she isn’t that interested in food and has put on a couple of pounds I think. She will see our vet on Thursday and we will see where she is at.

All is very good, a great adoption from our perspective, we got a terrific dog!

Thank you and Greg and Cindy for all of your efforts. 



Somm Is Adopted!


Abbie is Adopted!