Pepper Jack Is Adopted!

Pepper Jack, a 7 month old pup alongside his caring mother, Motzi, and his siblings, found themselves at the shelter as strays after being tragically abandoned. Filled with fear and uncertainty, Jack and his brothers and sisters were initially wary of human contact, making it a challenging journey to gain their trust. We knew that Jack would need the right person to adopt him, someone who understands him and was willing to invest time and effort in his training. We suspected that Jack's journey toward confidence may take longer than his siblings. However, we were confident that with patience and dedication, the time invested would pay off tremendously, and we were waiting and watching for Pepper Jack’s person to notice him.

Lori, a repeat adopter saw Pepper Jack on our website and inquired about him. She had adopted Hunter, a male GSP from us in 2020, and had a rescued GSP/Lab mix named Max.

Lori had experience with many personalities, including protective behaviors, separation anxiety, and shy and timid behavior. Her dog Max is shy. She stated on her application “I feel that if a pup such as Pepper Jack needs a good (forever) home, I have one. Rescue is the best way to adopt”. And that she did…

Pepper Jack is thriving in Lori’s care. They came out to our Splish Splash Waterpark Fundraising event, and Jack did remarkable!

“Everything is going great! Pepper Jack is a happy pup! Comes running in when it is time for a treat. Little road trip to Borrego Springs, stayed in a Casita with 4 dogs total and 5 adults. He rode great in the back seat of my full size lifted truck with 2 GSP/mix seniors. I wasn’t sure how they would do, but they used each other as pillows.

After the 2nd day he climbed right in on his own. Even did a bit of off-roading with no issue. I can see his continued potential. I enjoy (endure) goat yoga most mornings when Pepper Jack decides it’s time to get up. He walks all over me with his front paws. He is often me with me lightly getting him into a lay position, then it’s all cuddle time.

He has a tremendous loud bark if anyone approaches my home (I’m okay with that!). He has the most high-pitched bark if he wants to play or it is feeding time. Still a few things we work on, but he is only 1 y/o and appears to have tremendous growth potential. He appears to have a climbing ability, but it's not been a concern. The way he got into my truck and climbed with his front paws up a pigmy palm to get a sniff (haven’t seen any of my dogs in the past do that).

I can’t get him to sit for a treat. He’ll just back away and not take it. I’m more happy that he comes close and takes treats along side the other dogs that do sit.

He is having tremendous progress growing into a dog, and I see he has so much more potential”.

The rewards of witnessing Jack's progress and forming a deep bond with Lori and Hunter and Max is immeasurable.


In Loving Memory Of Max


Beyond Loyalty: A Story of Love, Loss, and Rescue