Nubbins Is Safe!

Nubbins was found wandering alone in a field limping, very thin, and had an open wound in his shoulder. He was taken to a shelter, and after his examination by the shelter vet, it was determined he would need to be rescue only.We were notified by two time repeat adopter, Betsy, that there was a 10 year old GSP that needed our help. She offered to help transport him to us, and arrangements were quickly made to get him from the shelter and to safety. After a thorough examination by our vet, Dr. Kang, it was discovered that Nubbins had 19 bb's in his body. He also had a shoulder injury, a puncture wound, and what appeared to be some old injuries to his paws/hocks, as they appeared to be swollen. We are thinking he may have been hit by a car some time ago. Dr. Kang wanted to make sure there were no internal injuries. While he was being neutered, Dr. Kang also cleaned his teeth and ears, treated his wounds, and removed a few bumps that were in places that were troublesome to him.Seldom do we have an opportunity to see what kind of life the dogs have lived before coming to us. We can speculate where their scars and behaviors might have come but little more. In getting to know Nubbins, it leaves little speculation on the life Nubbins has lived. Such an amazing dog. We will work diligently to find him the home he deserves that will give him the love and attention he has possibly never experienced.Nubbins is getting the care he needs, and will be available for adoption very soon. We want to say a huge "Thank you" to Betsy for notifying us about Nubbins, for re-arranging her schedule and volunteering her time to get Nubbins out of the shelter, transporting him to safety, and one step closer to his forever home.

If you would like to help offset the costs of Nubbin's medical care, please donate below.  Thank you for your continued support, so that we can continue to save dogs like Nubbins.



Meet Storm!


Po Is Adopted!