Po Is Adopted!

We are happy to announce that yet another older-adult dog has found a forever home. Po, a 7 year old GSP who charmed all of us at the CA GSP Rescue from day one, has been adopted!When prior adopters, Karen and Merlin, contacted us about adopting an adult dog, we were more than happy to have them come and visit him. We feel fortunate that so many people apply to adopt adults from CA GSP Rescue. It seems many people who have had GSPs, especially young GSPs, know how wonderful an older GSP can be! We knew Po would do well with their female lab, and we hoped they would like him as much as we did. Lucky for Po, it was a match and Karen and Merlin and Dharma (the lab) had a new family member!They've thoroughly enjoyed discovering Po's personality and Karen tells us, "He is so funny, we're really enjoying getting to know him."  So far, they've found out he howls at sirens and goes berserk over squirrels. Although he isn't interested in flying birds, he was extremely interested in one walking through the garden. He also wants to "shake", or "high five" constantly and he loves his crate - but wont go in the igloo. His doggy sister Dharma has never used one, but she's decided to check out Po's crate on more than one occasion. She also let him know that she was the boss, and he is okay with that, so there is harmony. Although the dogs don't play together, they are companionable. Dharma sneaks a kiss on his snout once in awhile - but may be looking for some crumbs.Best of all, Karen and Merlen have discovered that Po is very, very good with their energetic 4-1/2 year old grandson. Po has indeed found his forever home - thank you Karen and Merlen! 


Nubbins Is Safe!


Greta Is Adopted!