Mika is Adopted!

Mika_Jim_Julie_DSC_9237w64Mika is now "Honey", a name that her new family says, "seems to fit her personality. She is sweet, soft and just the antidote for making life a lot nicer."  Julie and Jim, Honey's new family, are former adopters - and we couldn't be happier they came back to the CA GSP Rescue to adopt an older adult. Like so many who've had GSPs before, Julie and Jim know that an older adult GSP is just the right mix of fun, energy, relaxing, and sweetness!Shortly after adoption, Julie wrote to us to say thank you for such a great match and, "we could not be happier that Honey came to live with us. She is sweet, loving and is starting to feel comfortable with her new home and with us."THANK YOU, Julie and Jim, for bringing an older GSP into your lives! 


Hunter Is Adopted!


Update - Hunter Thomas is doing great!