Update - Hunter Thomas is doing great!

Hunter Thomas winter 2013 040w64We recently heard from Heidi who adopted Hunter Thomas - a very special Senior GSP that was a favorite of all the volunteers. This update will warm your heart and perhaps have you reconsider the age of the dog you wish to adopt. Heidi did and has no regrets."Here's some recent photos and just a quick update. Hunter is doing great! I've been trying to get a good picture of him on the trails with me but either don't have my camera or if I'm by myself I can't get him to look at me as there is usually something more interesting nearby. He is my running buddy these days. Amazingly athletic...too old for what???? He did a nice 5 mile trail run with me the other day and one of these pictures is from that. He still pulled me up the hills...I'm the one that is out of shape. We took him with us to watch our daughters soccer game the other day and he is our first GSP that will sit calmly next to you so you can enjoy the game. AND he gets lots of compliments as he is such a handsome guy...no one believes he's 11. We just adore him! Thanks so much for introducing us!"Thank you Heidi for sharing the update on Hunter. We always love hearing about the adopted dogs, especially the Senior GSPs!


Mika is Adopted!

