Hunter Is Adopted!

Hunter_akaJasper_Judah_Neeraja_DSC_2048w64Every once in a while, a very special dog comes along. One that needs a special, and understanding, adopter. Hunter is just such a dog.  He was kept in filthy, small accommodations and seized by animal control who, because of litigation, had to hold him for almost a year. When he was finally available for adoption, his skin condition scared any potential families off. GSP Rescue took him from the shelter, intending to get him a foster home and medical care. We were immediately struck by what a wonderful personality Hunter had - friendly, curious, and nothing short of adorable.When Neeraja saw his post on our Facebook page, she knew she could be the one to help him. She was willing to adopt him, no matter how severe his medical issues (and we had suspicions they might be pretty severe). She wanted to give him the home and love he had missed out on so far in his life. Before she could take him home, Dr. Kang examined Hunter; there were many growths that needed to be removed and a very stubborn yeast infection covering his body. Luckily, all the growths were benign and Hunter was cleared to go to his new home!While she was waiting, Neeraja researched diet and natural treatments to help Hunter get rid of the yeast - he has a ways to go, but she has already reported progress. Hunter is now Jasper and he and his brother Judah are getting along great - enjoying their special "mom".




Mika is Adopted!