
Duke_DSC_5366w64Duke is a 7 yr old male that recently came to us after his owner's living arrangements had changed and Duke wasn't getting the attention and exercise he once had. His owner felt Duke would be better off in a home where his family didn't work and travel as much. Duke is at the perfect age where he can go for a walk (he is good on a leash) or play fetch for 30 minutes+ (he loves to play fetch) to get the exercise he needs. Unlike the younger GSPs that can be so demanding when it comes to exercise, Duke is happy to just hang out with you. He gets along with some dogs but being an only dog, might be best in a home as an only dog seeing he prefers to spend time with his people.If you are interested in adding this wonderful guy to your family, please complete an adoption application, and be sure to note your interest in meeting Duke.


Camarillo Adoption Event is this Weekend!


Hunter Is Adopted!