Mickey is Adopted!

Mickey and Lola BeachOne of the best rewards the volunteers receive are updates on the adopted dogs. Mickey was adopted several months ago by Madeleine and David and their Weim Lola. Madeleine wrote us recently to let us know how Mickey is doing...."Mickey came to us as a very friendly and affectionate but yet introverted dog. He was eager to please from day one which made it fairly easy to teach him the "house rules". He was not potty trained nor did he know any commands (sit, stay, down, etc.). We were positively surprised how fast he picked up the training even though he was already 4 years old when he joined our pack. Our Weimaraner girl certainly helped him finding his way especially the one to the "doggie toilet". Mickey has been with us for almost 6 months now. Not only does he sleep on his back with all four legs straight up in the air by now, but he found his personality. He is such a lovable goofball with tons of energy. He loves a good run at the dog beach (slowly getting used to the Ocean and the concept of swimming), hiking in the mountains, and his latest but favorite thing to do, hunting birds at Fiesta Island. Mickey is always looking for a good cuddle when at home and is loved by all of our friends. He still barely barks and observes his surroundings thoroughly, but gained a great amount of self-confidence. When we brought him home, he accepted our Weimaraner girl to be the boss and has been letting her have it her way since then. There was not one tensed moment between those two, which made the transition easier for us than expected. What can we say, it has been a pleasure to see Mickey's development and we are very lucky he picked us to be his forever family."Thank you David and Madeleine, for giving Mickey his new forever family!! And reminding us why we do what we do.

Cole is Safe!


And the Winners Are.....