Cole is Safe!

Cole leaving shelter in his cone of shame (2)Cole is Safe! We were notified about a 5 month old GSP Mix at a local shelter, who was relinquished by his family who were not able to manage the needs of an active puppy.  Fortunately for Cole, his future was looking a little bit brighter, as one of our volunteers who lives close to the shelter began monitoring him until he was made available. Once he was released to us, our volunteer was there to pull him to safety and begin the 3 hour journey to the California GSP Rescue and one step closer to his forever home.Dogs like Cole at such a young age, sometimes unfortunately, find themselves in situations with owners that aren't equipped to give a young puppy the daily attention, exercise and training that they need to thrive. Cole had no prior training, and was kept in a crate to keep him from expending his boundless energy.We want to thank the shelter rescue coordinator, the shelter staff, and our volunteer Teri, for working together to make sure Cole was safe and given every opportunity to find him a forever home with someone who shares the experience and knowledge of the needs of a young GSP pup, something he was not getting in his previous home.Watch our website for more on Cole as we get to know him.As an all volunteer organization, we rely on your support to be able to continue to save dogs like Cole. If you would like to help, please consider making a donation to support our efforts here.[give_form id="31590"] 


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