Meet Sam!

Sam DSC_0064w8x6Sam is a 5 year old solid liver male German Shorthaired Pointer. He is absolutely stunning, and is a complete love bug, snuggling up to you and giving kisses. He loves people, and gets along well with other dogs. He also has done well with the cat in his foster home.Sam doesn't appear to have had much training, however, he is very smart, so with some work, he has the potential to become the incredible dog he is meant to be.  He has been working on learning the dog door in his foster home, and should master it in no time.He rides great in a car, jumps right in, and during transport when we stopped at a dog friendly coffee house, he was the perfect gentleman greeting all who came in the door. Of course they all fell in love with this very flirty fellow.Sam has the typical GSP energy, but also settles down quickly as well, and will benefit from a home who will be able to provide him the training he needs and plenty of exercise for him to thrive in his home.If you feel your active lifestyle would be a good fit for Sam, please apply here.


Meet Hunter!


Sam Is Safe!