Sam Is Safe!

Sam Shelter (3) Sam was picked up as a stray and taken to a shelter where he sat for 10 days waiting for his owner to come and re-claim him. That day never happened. Sam even had a micro-chip, and the shelter tried to contact the owners, but they never came for him.One of our volunteers near the rescue was notified about Sam at the shelter, and she went and visited him to learn more about this handsome fellow.  She visited him almost every day, monitoring him, and then showing up on the day he was available to speak with his adopter, a practice we like to do if we can when there is a volunteer is available, when there is a GSP at a shelter to make our presence known, and to let the adopters know we are here to help should they need us.  When our volunteer showed up at the shelter, there was no one there for Sam.When the waiting period was up, our volunteer pulled Sam to safety and began his journey to the rescue and one step closer to his forever home.Sam is a sweet, beautiful and energetic boy, but settles down easily, and exemplifies what we love about the breed. We are happy to announce Sam is Safe, and we'll be sharing what we learn about him soon as we learn more. Watch our website for more on Sam soon!A big thanks to Volunteer Teri, and Volunteer Greg, along with Shelter Rescue coordinator, Jane, for helping Sam get to safety.Please consider making a donation below to help California GSP Rescue continue our efforts rescuing amazing German Shorthaired Pointers. As an all volunteer organization, your donation goes to helping provide for the dogs and not paying someone's salary.[give_form id="31575" show_title="true" show_content="none" display_style="onpage" float_labels="enabled"] 


Meet Sam!


Meet Kobe!