Meet Mako!

Mako is a 4 1/2 year old stunning male German Shorthaired Pointer. He came to us as an owner surrender when his owner was no longer able to give him the attention and training he needs.Mako's previous owner kindly shared some information about him to be able to help find him the right home. Mako is very sweet with people both young and old. He is a great sporting companion who loves to run and swim, and to play ball. He loves to sleep right next to you, and is very loyal, and always does something funny to make you laugh. His attention span is a bit short, but he is an attentive listener, which will help when training him. Getting attention, along with the training and exercise he needs, will increase his ability to thrive and be an amazing dog. He loves to run and play, and is very active. He used to run 3 and sometimes up to 10 miles a day and he was always in the lead the entire time. He is crate trained and house trained. He is good on a leash, and is used to using a gentle leader.Mako would be best as an only dog, as he prefers the company of his humans over other dogs.The perfect home for Mako would be in an active home as an only dog, with someone who could make sure he would get plenty of daily exercise, and commit to continue training him. A perfect situation for Mako would be with someone who works from home, or where he would be able to accompany them to work, as being a typical "Velcro" GSP, he prefers to be in the company of his owners rather than being left alone. The exercise and training and consistencies could definitely make a difference for him with being able to be left alone for short periods in the beginning, and then increasing it over time.If you feel you would be a good fit for Mako, and would like to learn more about him, please apply here.   


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