A New Way to Support the Rescue!

Did you know the California GSP Rescue has a way for you to donate your old car, truck, van, SUV, boat, motorcycle, ATV, RV, trailer or even your airplane?This #EarthDay, April 22nd, make an impact on the cause you love, while making less of an impact on the planet! Donate your car, truck, boat, motorcycle or RV to The California GSP Rescue and help preserve our planet for future generations.Since our volunteers are pretty busy picking up dogs, caring for them, and finding homes for them, we've partnered with CARS to handle all the details of pick up, sales, etc. They make it VERY easy on you! You can schedule everything on their website, and as long as you choose California GSP Rescue as your charity, the Rescue gets the proceeds! If you prefer, you can call 855-500-RIDE and the nice folks at CARS will take care of all the details.This link will take you directly to the CARS page for California GSP Rescue: http://bit.ly/DonateCarsForGSPRescueAnd don't forget, there are other easy ways to support the Rescue! Did you know that when you shop at Amazon, you can help support the CA GSP Rescue?  All you have to do is shop Amazon Smile and select the California GSP Rescue as your beneficiary and then start shopping!  It’s as easy as that and every time you buy, California GSP Rescue benefits! These funds help us buy food, treats, medicines, collars, leashes, pay vet bills, spay and neuter, repair kennels, pay the water bill, and the list goes on and on! And you can help, by doing what you already do – shop Amazon!In addition to cleaning out your garage and shopping online, you can just WALK to support the Rescue! ResQWalk is a Free App for both Iphones and Android phones that helps raise money for rescue. There is a new pool of donations announced each week which is divided by the miles walked. The more people that choose California GSP Rescue – and the more miles you walk (hopefully with your GSP!) – the more donations are made to the Rescue! There are also bonuses and prizes you and the rescue can win as well! What a great way to help the rescue, doing what you do anyway!California GSP Rescue is a 501C3 non-profit, run by volunteers and donations. You can help in any of the above ways, and by donating directly at: http://www.gsp-rescue.org/donate/Your support is crucial to our mission of turning homeless GSPs into treasured pets once again! 


My Name is Good Boy! (aka Mac)


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