Gumpert Is Adopted!

We are very excited to report that Gumpert is adopted! He's been in his new home for a little over a month now and it seems safe to say he is a permanent part of the family! Tom and Dave were in love with this sweetheart of a dog right away, and the time since his adoption day has continued to show Gumpert's good nature.  As for Gumpert, he's thoroughly enjoying a family that works mostly from home - which was a necessity for him right now.We received an update from them early on that, "Gumpert is doing great. He is quickly settling into the family and he's especially sweet to our 12 yo GSP, Dottie... He snuggles as close to her as he can and is so gentle." And, the best news of all, "We are in love with this little guy!" We know how they feel - all of us at the CA GSP Rescue fell in love with Gumpert as well. When he gently put his paws on our knees for pets, or came over for a snuggle, it was tempting for most of us to take him home! But we knew he needed a special kind of adopter.Gumpert created quite a bit of interest when his information was posted on our website. A sweet, beautiful dog that's good with kids, good with other dogs, good in the house is a good find! But, his new family had to be ready to deal with the separation anxiety he's exhibited in the past.  That requires someone that can be home more than not while he is in training to be more independent. It also requires some experienced dog owners who can gradually train him to be a little more independent and confident. Tom and Dave seemed to be just these type of owners and will continue to work with Gumpert to help him deal with being home alone. It will be a long process, but they are committed to seeing it through! We have no doubt Gumpert will thrive in his new home! 


Meet Mako!


Rhee is Adopted!