Maverick Is Adopted!

Maverick was surrendered to us when his previous owner realized they were not able to give Maverick the exercise and training he needed. Thankfully, they did not take him to a shelter, but reached out to us to help find him a home with someone who would be able to meet the needs of this young energetic GSP.Alex and Carolina applied with us, as they wanted to find a companion for their 3 year old GSP/Cattle Dog/Lab Mix, Ivory. Along with their roommate Wade, both Alex and Carolina are runners and lead a very active lifestyle, and were looking for a dog that would be able to accompany them on runs and hikes and be a good playmate for Ivory. We presented Maverick, as we were pretty certain he could fit the bill. He was young, energetic, athletic, playful and while he needed some work on socialization with other dogs, he definitely showed promise as he got to interact with some of the dogs in the field at the rescue.Alex, Carolina, Wade and Ivory came out to meet Maverick, and after spending some time connecting with him, and watching how well he and Ivory were interacting, they were pretty smitten, and certain he was the dog they were looking for to join their family.We have received some updates from Alex and Carolina, and all seems to be going very well! "Maverick is a wonderful boy! He has so much love to give, and he loves being a part of the family. He's done a good job of integrating into the family and respecting the rules (for the most part!).At first Ivory was a little skeptical of him, but he kept being lovable, and now she really likes him! They are inseparable!It really feels like Maverick has been with us for years even though it's only been a short time since we adopted him He is amazing. Besides his love of eating poop, he is perfect!We have completely fallen in love our newest family member. He loves us and now he’s ours!Thanks so much for helping to make this possible"!

Alex and Carolina and Ivory 
Thank you Alex and Carolina for choosing to adopt a rescue! We know you will have many happy years with Maverick! 
Hop on over to our Facebook Page for photos of Maverick in his new home!

Meet Apple!


Jasmine Is Adopted!