Jasmine Is Adopted!

Jasmine, a beautiful liver female GSP was surrendered to us by her owner because she killed one of their prize show birds. They asked us to find her a home where she will be the center of attention. Karen and Rick had previously rescued a GSP several years ago who passed away in 2005, so after losing their dog Sirius a couple years ago, they wanted to get a companion for their 12 1/2 year old Australian Shepherd named WhyNot. We know you are wondering why they named their dog WhyNot. We were too, so Karen shared the story that while they had a house full of dogs already, they met this bundle of joy who needed a family, so Karen and Rick said to each other "WhyNot"? Great story! They wanted another GSP, an adult dog who would not run circles around WhyNot, so they reached out to us to help them find a dog who would be a good fit for their family. They were willing to wait for the right dog, and about a month later, Jasmine arrived. She was everything they were looking for. They had no birds or cats, and were excited to make her a part of their family. They brought WhyNot out to meet her, and they got along great! We have received a few updates from Karen and Rick, and it seems that Jasmine whom they call Jazz or Jazzy, has made sure she is the center of attention!"Jasmine is doing great. She seems a little bit confused, like, why am I here, where are my other humans, but she is doing really good with us, follows us all around, curls up at our feet and gives abundant love. It's just sometimes she looks sad or confused. Don't worry, I know this is normal. The dog door is still giving her troubles. It's a hard door and I don't think she likes it on her face. She is such a gentle girl. She jumped up in bed with us last night, cuddled up and started sawing logs with everyone else in bed. No potty accidents, no troubles at all with her. Still, ﹰﹰEXTREMELY ﹰhappy with our little ﹰJazz!! All in all, we are very happy!!!Success!!! Jazz has finally figured out our dog door after 2 weeks. She is still fantastic and we are so happy to have adopted such a sweetie. Oh yea, she likes to build forts with our pillows while we are away at work, making money, so she can be cozy. Also, she LOVES the ball, brings it back, drops it, she's pretty ball crazy! Haha, good thing we don't mind that.Jazzy Jazz is doing fantastic and we couldnt be happier with her. Jazzy and WhyNot get along golden!! We find it hard to believe she is almost 11 because her energy level is off the charts. She looks at us longingly to get up off the couch and take her somewhere..... anywhere!! Haha. She has also found her favorite sleeping spot, right in between Rick and me. She is a doll and we can't believe how lucky the 4 of us are to be together.Thank you so much for all your help in getting Jazzy into our home. xoxo"Karen and Rick Thank you Karen and Rick for opening up your home and your hearts to adopt an older dog. We know Jazzy will bring your family joy for many years to come! Hop on over to our Facebook page to see some photos of Jazz in her forever home!


Maverick Is Adopted!


Ginger Is Adopted!