In Loving Memory Of Olive

OliveSweet little Olive came to us from a shelter back in August 2014, where she was picked up as a stray. She had a bad ear infection, and being about 7 or 8 years old, she didn't get any interest when her stray hold was up and she wasn't claimed by her owner. California GSP Rescue immediately stepped in and wasted no time pulling her to safety. We got her the medical attention she needed for her ears and she was made available for adoption just a short time later.Drina and her Dad applied with us to adopt an older female as a companion for their GSP Duke, after their beloved 13 year old Bella passed away. The stars were definitely lined up for Olive, as the timing of Drina's application couldn't have been more perfect. They came out to meet Olive, and immediately knew she was going to join their family.We recently received the sad news that Olive passed away from complications from a brain tumor. She had been exhibiting symptoms and began having seizures, and when the medication was no longer working, Drina and her Dad after consulting with her vet made the painful decision to put her to sleep."Olive brought so much joy into our home.  She loved to chase balls and responded to “come here” and “sit.” and she was great on a leash. After first coming home, Olive had taken over every single stuffed animal in the house. Duke didn’t mind too much, as his sister Bella used to do the same thing. Olive enjoyed exploring every inch of the front and backyard, and once a skunk had invaded our back yard. This was when we discovered that Olive could talk! You remember the old Lassie show, when Lassie would bark at Timmy? She did this too. She would wait for him by the door and when he showed up she would come over to one of us and bark at us. We responded to her with questions, “What is it Olive?” and she would answer back with another bark. It was hilarious!Olive has left a huge hole in our hearts, and the house is so quiet without her. We don't know what to do with ourselves. Duke is feeling her absence too. Thank you for rescuing her and pairing us up, I was lucky to have been her mom even if it was just for a little while".Our hearts are heavy along with Drina and her family, and we are so grateful that they opened up their hearts and home to adopt an older dog. Olive may have found her forever home at the end of her life, but because dogs live in the moment, the love she received, to her, was for a lifetime.Rest peacefully Olive... We will never forget you.


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