What Do YOU Have Planned for the New Year?

Volunteers BBK 12-20-15Do you have some New Year's resolutions planned? The new year is often a time when people take stock and plan some personal improvement for the year ahead. Very often, these goals include plans to be healthier in both body and in spirit. Might we suggest something to help you accomplish both? Volunteer with the California GSP Rescue to exercise some dogs! If you live close enough to the rescue in Bonsall, CA or our Kennel in Beaumont, CA to come out once a week, or even once every other week, then there are some dogs just waiting for you to take them for a walk, teach them some tricks, or even improve their kennels and play space.Don't live close enough? Then there are other ways you can meet that New Year's resolution to volunteer more and "give back".  As California GSP Rescue grows, we find we can use some "expert" help in many areas - maybe one of them is perfect for you? Every volunteer, whether they touch a dog or not, has an impact on getting these dogs adopted. If some of the areas below sound interesting to you, please contact us through the website and we will send you a questionnaire and a link to our volunteer application. Trust us, it will be more fun than that diet and exercise resolution you were thinking of!California GSP Rescue has a need for:- Dog Walkers in Beaumont and Bonsall- Handy Persons for repairs to kennels, fences, roofs, doors, plumbing, etc. at our kennel. The more of this type of work that comes from qualified volunteers, the more time we can spend on the dogs!- People with experience in fund-raising, or just people not afraid to ask for donations!- People with event-planning skills- People with great communication skills that can help coordinate our volunteer efforts- People with social media experience to help write for our website and keep in touch with our supporters.- Foster families, especially those skilled with more challenging behavior issuesOf course, if extra time just can't be found in your current circumstances, donations are always appreciated and frugally used. Your tax-deductible dollars are used for food, veterinary care, and the health and well-being of these wonderful dogs!"The heart of a volunteer is not measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others"


In Loving Memory Of Olive


In Loving Memory Of Shadow