In Loving Memory Of Harlem

Harlem3We are saddened to tell you of the passing of Harlem - a quirky and sweet alumni of the Rescue. Harlem was the cherished pup of Brandon and Richard; adopted from California GSP Rescue last year at the age of eight. Brandon and Richard were looking for a brother for their other dog Lilly, as they had recently lost their GSP, and she was at a loss without canine companionship.Harlem fit right in to their home and they began to find out all of the many commands Harlem knew, as well as the fact that he was a serious cuddle-bunny - albeit a pretty darn big cuddle bunny! Harlem and Lilly quickly became good friends, often chasing each other around the house and often cuddling together on the couch or bed. Lilly also enjoyed chillin' and watching Harlem chase his beloved ball - which he did many times a day thanks to the indulgence of Richard and Brandon. They were happy to celebrate Harlem's 9th birthday with him, and wrote to tell us, "He received presents galore (five new toys, a large marrow bone and a very dashing Italian raincoat for winter) and three hours at the park with a new ball".Sadly, Brandon recently wrote to tell us of Harlem's passing from a freak accident, "Harlem made a major impact on our lives and we are forever grateful that we had the opportunity to have him as part of our family.  I cannot thank you enough for giving us the opportunity to love and cherish his sweet soul.  We are all devastated and will never forget the love and companionship of this wonderful dog.  Lilly is again at a loss without her big brother."We are consoled by the fact that Harlem was a cherished family member twice in his lifetime, was loved by Rescue volunteers, and was spoiled rotten for the last year of his life. He also completely changed his adopters' perception of adopting a senior dog and Brandon and Richard adopted a 14 year old GSP. This is truly one of the best ways to honor the memory of Harlem - giving a rescue dog, particularly a 14 year old rescue dog, a new and loving home.


Charlie - A Very Special GSP


Our Founder, Jan Flaherty