Our Founder, Jan Flaherty

Jan Flaherty DSC_1924w64Our Founder, Jan Flaherty was born in Los Angeles in 1932 and was raised in the post depression era on a small farm in rural Orange County near Stanton California. On the farm, while fruits and vegetables were grown to put food on the table, Jan learned animal husbandry tending and feeding the animals. It was a time when nothing that could be fixed was thrown away.At the age of seven, Jan was given her first dog. Since then, she has always had a dog she could call her own. In 1959 while surfing, Jan met Ana, a marvelous German Shorthaired Pointer and knew she had to have a GSP. Within six months, an offspring of Ana had pups and Jan purchased two GSPs, one for her sister and one for herself.A few years later, Jan joined the Southern California German Shorthaired Pointer Club and began in field trials and hunting events. Being more active in breed activities, Jan began learning of GSPs needing to be re-homed and always helped when asked. Little did she know at the time that her efforts would lay the foundation of the California GSP Rescue of today.Jan Flaherty is still very active in the rescue and can be seen on most Saturdays, which is the day when the majority of the adoption appointments are scheduled.

In Loving Memory Of Harlem


Argo is Adopted!