Charlie - A Very Special GSP

Charlie DSC_0863w64Charlie is special for all of the usual reasons a young GSP is special. He's in love with people and he's great with other dogs. Charlie also loves to hunt bunnies and lizards with pure joy and pure excitement and he is eager to learn! Charlie is also special because he takes all of those young GSP traits to an even higher degree. He loves his people and wants to snuggle, snuggle, snuggle as much as he can. He will stare at you with adoring eyes. He thinks other dogs are just fabulous! He loves to play with them, and doesn't even mind those bossy female GSPs (as a matter of fact, he loves to follow them!).  Also watching him dive after his small "prey" with joyful abandon is quite fun to watch!Sweet and lovable Charlie is also "special" in a way we wish he weren't. He is missing one of his rear paws. His injury was caused by the neglect of his former owner, and it makes us angry and it makes us feel sad for Charlie's past. But these are definitely human emotions and we needn't feel them as far as Charlie is concerned. Charlie has no ability to feel these emotions and has completely moved on from his past. He runs and plays and fetches and enjoys life. He holds no "baggage" from what happened and embraces every day and every new experience. Charlie is the epitome of "Happy-Go-Lucky" and is loving every day of his life in his foster home. His foster family loves having Charlie around, but they are committed to helping many more dogs through fostering and want to see Charlie find his forever home. They've helped him re-learn some things (like how to go up and down stairs) and taught him a few new "tricks" (such as house-training this former outdoor dog). They are giving him love, attention, and a stable home while we look for that perfect adopter for Charlie.That adopter had better be pretty special too - Charlie deserves nothing less than the very best life for the rest of his life! Take a look at Charlie, telling you about Charlie, in this video - he will surely make you smile!Learn more about Charlie here.


Meet Bob!


In Loving Memory Of Harlem