Lex is Safe!


As the holiday season approaches, the hustle and bustle of last-minute gift shopping and holiday travel preparations consume the lives of many, but amidst the chaos, there's a heart-wrenching reality at play - the animals at the local shelters. Just three short days before Christmas, the California GSP Rescue received a notification that broke their hearts. There was a German Shorthaired Pointer at the animal shelter, all alone and in desperate need of a loving home. His name was Lex, and he was just one of the countless innocent souls looking to spend the holidays in a kennel without a family.

Lex's previous owner had surrendered him to the Animal Shelter. Lex was "guilty" of escaping the yard, and given that it was the week before Christmas, the previous owner most likely had plans. Like other dogs surrendered during the holidays, the dog's behavior is more of a nuisance when it complicates otherwise busy schedules.

Unfortunately, Animal Shelters have an influx of pets during the holidays. While Lex is a great-looking GSP, the Animal Shelters do not have many adoptions during the holidays. Any pet surrendered has an increased chance of being euthanized. Worse, the dogs and cats that surrendered or found stray just before the influx of the holiday strays and owner relinquishments have an even greater chance of being euthanized because the Animal Shelter needs kennel space.

We reached out to the animal shelter attempting to schedule a time a volunteer might arrive and pick up Lex. As it turns out, the animal shelter is closed from Christmas until after New Year's Day. Not only would Lex spend Christmas in the animal shelter alone, but he would also spend another week there!

The volunteer juggled their busy personal schedules to accommodate getting Lex out before Christmas. Some things just are less important when it comes down to it. Getting Lex out of the animal shelter was at the top of the list of things to do before Christmas.

The Rescue Coordinator understood the sacrifices and ensured the volunteer would only be held up for as long as needed. The Rescue Coordinator completed the paperwork and brought Lex up from his kennel. All that was left now was the drive back. Lex was safe!

Who surrenders their dog before a holiday when the kennels at the animal shelter are full? Possibly someone unaware there is a GSP Rescue. California GSP Rescue posts on Social Media the dogs that are rescued as well as the ones that are adopted. Many of our adopters read these posts before applying. This year, California GSP Rescue intends to educate the public about German Shorthaired Pointers and the need for adoption. We are grateful for the Donors and Rescue Heroes that help support our efforts. If you are interested in knowing more, click here.  


Sarge and Boss Hog Are Safe!


Chaco Is Adopted!