Chaco Is Adopted!

We love adopters that come back to adopt a GSP. Those that adopt multiple times, like K and his family, have a special place in our hearts. They understand the meaning of rescue and are helping solve the much bigger issue of the pet overpopulation in the shelters. By adopting they are helping a GSP and saving a dog. As an adult GSP, Chaco’s chances of being adopted from the shelter were slim and we find adult GSP’s are often looked over by applicants looking for a younger more active dog. However, K knows what most do not, adult GSP’s have plenty of energy and can be much easier to manage. Here is K's update on Chaco who was adopted during summer of last year. 

Chaco moves to the OC !

“Our family suffered a heartbreaking loss in January 2022 when we lost Parker the GSP from Orange, Ca. He looked so much like CJ the Westminster Champion we were asked all the time if he was CJ from Temecula, Ca. Losing Parker was extremely tough and created that huge void in our lives that losing a key member of the pack causes. Little Lakota who we adopted from GSP Rescue back in 2008 and Coco who we adopted in 2019 seemed listless and knew that something was amiss. As we as a family age, and we become so much more aware of the passage of time, we experienced first-hand that time waits for no one. We took our time and focused on Lakota and Coco, giving them all the attention and care possible, every day, while knowing that Lakota was now 14 and Coco was 11.

Forward to July 28th and at 10:30 am I find myself in Beaumont California with an appoint to meet up with Greg who had mentioned that he thought he had a couple great candidates for our home. The comfort of having worked with Greg for two previous adoptions, him knowing us as a family, knowing our lifestyle, it’s a combination that is so beneficial to me and my family but to every GSP looking for it’s forever home. I had brought along Lakota and Coco on this special day to assist me as both Jennifer and Donna being in the medical profession were tied up with Covid issues.

Beaumont, California, this is where the magic happens between GSP Rescue and prospective people who love this breed so much. The experience and commitment of their staff all come together when the moment arrives to introduce one another to each other, it’s magic, its luck, its karma call it what you want but it happens a lot. Now I, as a repeat adopter, I prefer adult or senior dogs. They are the right match for me as I’ve had young GSP’s and Vizslas since I was a teen, but now the more relaxed, more coachable and lower octane adult hounds suit me, my family and our lifestyle perfectly. On this day Greg introduced me and my hounds to Chaco. Chaco is a little boy with big dreams and he was perfect! I’m laughing as I write this because I remember so many feelings, observations, notations, questions, about this little boy when I first saw him. He was small, funny, cute, shy, had dew claws, a very dry nose, wide eyes, a stick tail……it goes on and on but he was perfect. Lots of sniffing around in the introduction area, my hounds were more interested in the area than in him. That day we spent a couple hours just hanging out with the main characters in this scene and they were interestingly disinterested in each other in many ways. I drove home that afternoon thinking what an interesting house we will have with Lakota, Coco, Chako and Kahko the bird. We decided to follow through on having Chako join our pack and made arrangements to pick him up on the 12th of August.

Well its been 5 months and having Chako around us and joining the pack has been the key to restoring the spirits of our family. We went through the typical adjustment period, the getting to know the bird…..that was interesting, every time it happens I just shake my head and laugh, these hounds are bird dogs but they are smart enough to know not to mess with a tough bird. The yard, the side yard, the orchard, the garden and all kinds of interesting plants. Needless to say Chako is having a blast racing around the property, chasing squirrels, lizards, field mice and a skunk. He has slowly snuck up into some reserved seating areas when the dogs with seniority are not in the immediate area and he is learning that he is the rookie and thus the gopher to the other pack members. He is absolutely a delight, very busy zooming around as a 7 year 4 month old GSP, and seems to love the routine we have here. He eats 2x’s a day, at least 2 walks everyday, a bath every 3-4 weeks, ear cleanings, pedicures, tons of toys all over the house, and a choice of comfy leather chairs and pillow top beds to nap and crash on.

Our little boy with big dreams is living his life and has benefited us in immeasurable ways, he’s goofy, clever, shy and a wonderful GSP.

Thanks again for all your help, your organization is fantastic and the commitment, teamwork and dedication is inspiring and very much appreciated. I’ll post another report after the holidays.

K, Jen, Donna, Dhayan, Lakota, Coco, Chako (the little boy with big dreams) and

Kahko (the tough bird)”.


Lex is Safe!


Sam Is Safe!