Keep Your Dog Safe on the 4th!

Dude in bathtub cropped There's a reason the American Humane Association reports July 5th as the busiest day of the year; one of our favorite holidays is a frightening day for many dogs. We at the California GSP Rescue love it when our adopters take their dogs lots of places, but this is one day we advocate that the doggies stay home - and inside! Here are a few tips to keep your furry child safe this holiday:1.   Make sure your pet is microchipped! If you adopted from the Rescue, that's taken care of! If not, please contact your vet and have this done right away.2.   Register your pets microchip. If you already registered, make sure your contact numbers are up to date.3.    Make sure your pet has a tag with your phone number on his collar - but don't rely on this as his only source of identification - see rule #1.4.    Exercise your pet early in the day, and keep him indoors. Even a pet that is used to being outdoors and isn't an "escaper" can become one with the strange sights and sounds of fireworks frightening him! Even a low boom far in the distance can be enough. 5.  "White noise" can be helpful in drowning out far away noises and calming nerves. You can download an app or play hours of white noise from You Tube. An old fashioned fan or leaving the t.v. on can help.  6.  Watch what your pet eats! If you are having a picnic, barbeque, etc. and your pet is in attendance, be sure he isn't getting into trash, or that a well-meaning relative isn't feeding him! Even one meal of something he's not used to, can give Fido some nasty gastric upset - or worse.7.   Be careful your pet doesn't get into any alcoholic drinks. Busy party-goers are notorious for leaving their glasses behind. Be sure your dog isn't getting into them.8.   Make sure your dog has plenty to eat and a cool place to go if it is a hot day - and watch that hot pavement on his feet! As we mentioned in tip #4 - exercise early (in the cooler part of the day) and keep your dog inside.9.   Be especially diligent to prevent pets running out doors and gates.Do you have any of your own tips to share? Join us on our Facebook page!


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