Jake Is Adopted!

Jake is AdoptedIf you read Jake's story, you might remember he was a 14 year old GSP given up by his blind owner who was going into assisted living. California GSP Rescue wanted to find someone retired that could help this amazing boy, with this separation anxiety, transition into a forever home. Bob, who was retired, read his story and was touched.Bob reached out to us and explained that he was very interested in meeting Jake but he had to get along with his adopted senior German Wiredhaired Pointer named Brady. While we explained that Jake had done amazingly well with all the dogs he had met, Bob, while wanting to help him,  he was concerned that Brady might not like a brother. He jokingly explained that Brady was a freak but he was their freak.The volunteers were anxious to see how Brady would react to Jake. We were confident from his interaction with other dogs, he would behave well around Brady but what about Brady? Would Brady avoid Jake, or worse, what if Brady snapped or growled at him? Bob's concern for Brady made us love him even more.When the big day finally came for Bob & Patrick to meet Jake, they brought their shaggy GWP named Brady. Brady seemed relaxed as we made our way back to the training field. The first introduction would be in a controlled environment on leashes. The plan was to introduce them on leashes and, if necessary, walk them together for awhile to ease any anxieties. During the introduction, Brady remained calm the entire time and pretty sure he and Jake were romping around the training field off leash. Brady exploring the new smells and checking in with Bob or Patrick while Jake looked for anyone to throw the ball.Bob and Patrick adopted Jake and have since sent a few updates letting us know he has settled in and the boys are getting along great. Jake has a stuffed animal he likes to carry around in his mouth and will follow Brady outside with the stuffed animal in his mouth when his brother runs outside barking. When Brady finds Jake in "his spot" he'll bark until he moves. Bob wrote "He is a great addition to our family". The volunteers sighed in relief knowing he is adopted.Finding forever homes for Senior GSPs can be a challenge as most adopters are only interested in adopting a young dog. However, Senior GSPs find their way to the rescue and need forever homes too. There is a special place in our hearts for adopters like Bob and Patrick who open their home and hearts to the older GSPs needing homes. Thank you, Bob and Patrick, for giving this very special senior GSP his forever home.


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