Meet Hooligan!

Hooligan is a 5 year old all liver stunning male German Shorthaired Pointer. Hooligan was relinquished to us by his owners as he was beginning to overwhelm their young children with his abundance of energy. Hooligan is a very sweet and affectionate dog with adults, and is the typical "Velcro" GSP. He loves being with his people. Hooligan lived with another dog at one time, but after the dog passed away, his behavior changed towards other dogs, and became very uncomfortable around them. Hooligan is house trained and crate trained. He is extremely smart, and knows several commands including "down" for lay down, "shake/paw/high five", "stay", "come", "heel", "place", "off", "go potty", "up" for getting in the car or on top of something. "Kisses", "find your ball", "get your toy", "switch" to change sides of your body while walking or in heel. He is good with hand signals. When fetching his ball and loses it, you can point in the direction, and he will run in that direction. If the ball is behind him, you can put your hand straight up with palm open and say "back", and he will retrieve it. He is great with recall, but would need to always be supervised if off leash and avoid areas with other dogs, so dog beaches or parks are not an option for him. Hooligan's absolute favorite activity is playing fetch with his beloved ball. He could do it all day long. He also loves going for runs and walks. He loves to be snuggled and showered with affection.The perfect home for Hooligan would be as an only dog and without young children. He would benefit from someone who works from home or is retired that can give him plenty of attention, exercise with lots of space to run and play. If your home and your active lifestyle would be a good fit for Hooligan, please apply here


Jake Is Adopted!


Meet Dexter!