In Memory of Roxy

Roxy_Andrew_Kate_18-DSC_0129w64Late last year, Andrew and Kate, wrote to us about their adopted GSP, Roxy, letting us know she died peacefully due to complications from a rare autoimmune disease called Myasthenia Gravis.  Andrew wrote the following:The disease started suddenly about 5 weeks prior to her death, and we had been fighting it as aggressively as clinically possible with the help of an excellent veterinarian. Some dogs are known to spontaneously cure themselves of the disease, but unfortunately even with our aggressive treatment, Roxy wasn't able to make it through it. In true Roxy form though, she kept her spirits up and was affectionate and full of love to the very end.Its hard to put together the right words to memorialize Roxy. She was a dearly loved member of our little family. Her unique personality fit us so well - calm and poised around the house and other people, so full of love and happiness every day, always trying her best to please us. She couldn't have cared less about chasing a ball, but she could spend hours hunting and exploring, either by herself or with us following close behind. And she tolerated long hours in the car and in cold tents, accompanying us on our adventures. Roxy enriched our lives in so many ways, and we are so grateful that the CA GSP rescue helped us find her. We will always have special memories of Roxy and the many Saturdays we got got to spend up in Bonsall with the rescue.Before moving back East, Andrew and Kate were regular volunteers in Bonsall on Saturdays helping with whatever needed to be done. It was clear we missed Andrew, Kate, and Roxy in a post that we published last year before their move. We still miss seeing them and their regular Saturday visit, but thank them for adopting and giving Roxy a home filled with love wherever it might be.


Sammy is Adopted!


Ollie is Safe!