Sammy is Adopted!

Sammy_Michael_Mariah_DSC_0537w64We are always happy when former adopters come back to adopt again and we were especially happy that Michael and Mariah were interested in Sammy; as the adopters of young Pippin, we knew Sammy would have the playful companion he deserved and the attention a young dog needs in their home.They recently wrote to us with an update that says it all, " I just wanted to give you a quick update that he’s adjusting really well and we are so delighted with him.  We gave him a bath when he got home and he was really good, we also brushed his teeth last night and he was a good boy and didn’t get upset.  Pippin is in love with his new “brother”.  They run, wrestle and play all the time.  We are teaching both boys to only play outside, as they love to play together!  Pippin was so cute as he brought all his toys over to Sammy when he arrived and let him play with them, and also play together with some of the toys.Sammy has been so quick to learn commands!  I’m not sure if maybe he already knew some of them and just needed a reminder, but he’s learned to sit, lay down, and stay already.  He also has his own crate and has had no problem adjusting to it.  In fact, he’s not a “morning dog” and doesn’t really want to come out in the morning!  We weren’t sure if he was house trained, but he hasn’t had any accidents inside even when he’s been alone in the crate.  He has met the cat, and while very interested in him, has not shown any aggression.  It’s only a matter of time before they are friends.  He’s a snuggle bug, too and loves to give kisses!  He does bark at other dogs when Michael takes him on walks and there is a little dog next door he has barked at a few times, but he’s learning quickly...He’s been a wonderful addition!  Thank you so much for all you do and for sending Sammy to us!"


Meet Duke II


In Memory of Roxy