Ollie is Safe!

Ollie_Oliver_h_DSC_0032w64Late last week we received word that there was a German Shorthaired Pointer in a local shelter. Knowing the shelter was in an outlying area and regularly put dogs to sleep when they weren't placed, California GSP Rescue immediately started making plans to pull and transport the GSP to safety.Last Monday, when the GSP had gone unclaimed, a volunteer visited the shelter and rescued Ollie getting him one step closer to their forever home.With regards to the name, we are regularly asked how we came up with the names for the dogs. Most often, it is the privilege of the transporter to help think of a name. Sometimes this can be difficult as such little time has been spent with the dog. Often the dogs are nervous, scared or drooling - things that don't provoke useable names that represent their true personality. However, naming Ollie was much easier. Had Ollie had one spot, he would have been called Spot.  Had he had two liver patches, Patches would have been a suitable name but since Ollie was all liver, Oliver, Ollie for short, was his name.


In Memory of Roxy


Pebbles is Adopted!